FBI (France Bisexualité Info)

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siseja 12 JANUARY 2011 @ 11:13 AM BISEX?   So I did this sexuality test a year and a half ago
and today I was brwozing through my old entries (something that was pretty embarrassing xD) and found it randomly
and, while chatting about it with Kandace, I decided to take it again.

my result:

Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...


You scored 0 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)

You are evenly bisexual. You have no preference when it comes to sex. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this will change after you do some experimenting.

Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test at HelloQuizzy

My result a year and a half, almost two years ago:

Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...

Bi/Slightly Straight

You scored 5 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)

For the most part, you are bisexual. You have a slight preference for the opposite sex, but either sex would suit you. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this will change after you do some experimenting.

Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test
 at HelloQuizzy

http://siseja.livejournal.com/144443.html http://siseja.livejournal.com/144443.html
Jeu 13 jan 2011 Aucun commentaire