FBI (France Bisexualité Info)

Flexisexual: Girls Who Kiss Girls, But Like Boys Women Are More Open-Minded, But Some Say They 'Flex' For Attention of Males PrintRSS FONT SIZE: SHARE:  Email Twitter Facebook     More


Studies Say Women are More Fluid in Their Sexuality

Many scientific studies have also confirmed that both heterosexual and lesbian women tend to become sexually aroused by both male and female erotica or have a bisexual arousal pattern.

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2003 study from Northwestern University found that compared with men, women's sexual arousal patterns may be less tightly connected to their sexual orientation and more "flexible."

Some girls say this has nothing to do with their sexual identity. They just like to live up to the ménage-a-trois fantasy of the men they seek to please.

"I think girls kiss girls to draw attention from guys, who think it's sexy and seductive," said Lauren DeGiorgi, a senior majoring 


Mer 2 mar 2011 Aucun commentaire