Lundi 31 janvier 1 31 /01 /Jan 21:55

Is My Friend Bisexual, Here My Clues But I Doubt?

By admin Posted in: sex position


first sorry bad english
im bisexual i think my friend is bisexual cause a have some clues, here they go:
i know him since 8 grade (3 years ago)we are friends not bf but close friends hes the kind of funny person who do things to meke other people laugh or just joking
- he dates with girls cause hes extrimely cute, i mean hes gorgeous and all girls are like inlove with him, so he dates girls
- in 8 grade he use to touch everybodys DICK but no one got angry cause they know he was just bothering them and he was like smiling waiting their reaction, now he touches everydodys butt “always” no one gets angry either cause they got used to it, just just take away his hand and he hughs guys 8 he hugs with the intention of feeling the others dick) xD (i know he does)
-once, a guy asked him “hey are u “gay” (cause of the touching and his soft non man voice) and he said ” i used to like that” ( and i say “once a gy always a gay, isnt that true”)
-in some situations, when me and friends talk about sex he says “im gay” but he says that only with the intention of making me and my friends laugh (once he told me he has no secrets, that he says everything when he can make people laugh or just joking, and he says hes gay several times
-hes the only one who knows im bisex, when i

Par FBI (France Bisexualité Info) - Publié dans : FBI France Bisexualité Infos
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